Friday, December 18, 2009

Pak forex03

part from money in the UN missions,two things also comes along with it.One is war experience and the other is reputation.We need both of it.Though they get little war experience,yet at times they are ambushed.This attributes to their skills.

And of course we need the money,we don't have a strong economy neither we have enough fund to support strong military.If money is coming,so be it.In case you don't know,Bangladesh military and even Pakistan military runs projects like MILBUS(as termed by Ayesha Siddiqa),which acts like an enterprise.Pakistan army has the highest number of troops in UN missions.Now did this turn Pakistan army into mercenaries?If you think so,then you better debate with the Pakistani friends here.
As I can see Pakistan army is still aware of its threats and using the money in procurement.

And its not only that we are only buying BTR-80s.Last year we procure a significant number of Mi-17s.Now these are necessary for our military.And they are not even considered in the defence budget,as far as I know.So these are bonus for the army.

Some people think themselves as "Mr.Know it all".You are one of them.That's why we often find them ranting on these boards.
Or you are just too jealous of our country's success.May be because it isn't even your country.....who knows?
First this is not discussion about Pakistan or any other country. This discussion is about Bangladesh. Check the thread. But if you are that desperate to deflect the focus on your dangerous and bankrupt thinking and interested in criticizing Pakistan army then open a thread in Pakistan military section.

On your view:
Having business locally and generate revenue for welfare of armed foces are completely different than relying on foreign sources like UN for money. In Bangladesh "Sena kalyan Sangshta" runs quite a few businesses including Radisson Dhaka. That's not the question or concern here.

If motivation for Bangladesh army UN mission are to gain “war” (by your definition) experience by guarding against some rag tag African guerilla groups and buy few APC then I am sorry to say Bangladesh as my country wasted scarce money and resources on people like you.

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