Friday, December 18, 2009

Forex Trading Made Easy

James Dicks

FOREX Made Easy is the first no-nonsense, step-by-step introduction to making the FOREX an integral part of your overall trading program.

* Use unheard-of 100:1 leverage to make the most of your limited trading capital
* Practice market-proven techniques guaranteed to minimize your risk exposure
* Trade the FOREX market online, 24 hours a day, six days a week

Discover how to make it work for you, in renowned FOREX trading pioneer James Dicks' commonsense yet revolutionary FOREX Made Easy.

"In this book I have put together what I feel to be a very investor-friendly understanding of the FOREX market and how to trade it. This is for the everyday investor, looking for an alternative to the stock market for better portfolio diversification."
The foreign currency market is the largest and most liquid trading market in the world, with $1.5 trillion or more traded every day. And in our increasingly barrier-free global financial markets, online traders and investors armed with inexpensive point-and-click trading systems, along with a new attitude that markets should be open to all traders, all the time, have made it among the most accessible!

Problem is, the majority of books written on FOREX trading have been needlessly complex and technically dense, written for institutional investors making billion dollar-plus trades. FOREX Made Easy changes all that, telling you everything you need to know minus the unnecessary detail and tactics. The first book to provide you with only the information you need, to allow you to get a feel for the market and determine how to fit FOREX trading into your long-term investing program, this straight-talking guidebook reveals:

FOREX Made Easy gives you much more than just facts and numbers. This first-of-its-kind book provides you with the tools and techniques you need to stand toe-to-toe with the world's most powerful traders and institutions, using FOREX trading like they have for years to both offset your market risks and augment your profits. Simple, uncomplicated, and filled with examples of individual traders using their smaller size to tremendous advantage in the institution-dominated FOREX, it will open your eyes to an opportunity that is unique, unprecedented, and bound to become a staple for traders looking for new sources of profits, and innovative techniques to protect those profits.

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