Friday, December 18, 2009

Pak forex 01

You mention alot of things that can be done in the varios sectors like distribution/storage in ag, management/infrastructure in power, etc. All these things point to investment and technology. Develop better command and control over resources in any sector and it will become more efficient and produce more services and profit. We all agree on that.

When you mention disappointment with musharraf and his economic teams pace of micro reform/achievement, you also have to look at his position. Musharraf is still trying to figure out where he and his policies will fit into pakistan in the near and long term. What will civil governemtn look like in 18 months time. If divisive issues like dams or major projects to spur growth and increase resources like water, power, etc are begun at the alienation of people afraid of what their piece of the pie will be and politicians on the outside quick to pounce on the fears of segments of the population, will money be spent and projects stopped half way completed as is the case in pakistan quite often. Musharraf has alot on his plate at the moment in an executive molding sort of way. What will the future setup be and what will be his place. While we may be used to the current situation, it is a unique one and one whereby the decisions of today might last for 10 to 15 years until the next over throw or might be sustainable. WHile there have been military govts. in the past, this is the first outside the cold war and took place while on the outside of the US friends club. THis military govt. has worked to gain stability rather than have stability supplied outright from day one with a big check signed by uncle sam. Give musharraf enough credit in that he took a sinking ship and at the very least plugged the holes until the world and pakistans place in it changed on 9/11. I could go on and on with what administratively the govt is looking at let alone economically but I think we can agree that this is a unique moment in pakistans course for the next decade or so.
All of my disagreements have been on domestic perception and human development issues. We are SORELY lagging behind where we ought to be and all govts inclusive of the current one have paid only lip service to the common man. Just three days ago one of uncle's car was taken at gunpoint 100 yards from our house in KHI. My cousin (special education, age 14) was kicked out of the car and the driver returned injured hours later. This is the THIRD incidence of carjacking in my IMMEDIATE family in the last three years. In addition out of 4 homes in KHI that are those of blood relations, three were subjects of "dakay" in the past three years as well. My cousins, aunts and uncles some of who returned from here to permanantly live in Pakistan were subjected to incredible humiliation by the dacoits who all claimed to have "high connections" and that they "will not be found no matter how hard you try". My brother in law's motorcycle was stolen three weeks ago, the other's was lifted last year. And the cops are worse than ever. I can give you exact details, but it'll defeat the purpose of this discussion. Karachi's roads were improved only after Jamali and Musharraf visited after the flooding last year. Alas, only the major roads were improved and, that too has started to deteriorate already. Imagine, potholes that will bust your tires on roads that were built on hasty orders a mere 6-8 months ago. The total number of jobs in Pakistan hasn't increased much in the last 4 years. But we've added 10 million more people to our population. Do you think they fall under the employed category or the unemployed one?

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