Friday, December 18, 2009

Care of Diamonds

  1. Clean the diamond. Use a soft brush, soap and water. If you do not possess a special brush for cleaning jewelry you can use an eyebrow or even a lipstick brush - these are soft, small and acceptable.
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    Before you start cleaning, make a mix of warm water and a mild detergent. Then place in the bowl, where you made the mixture, your diamond jewelry. Always use a mild cleanser to clean your diamond. Jewelry stores use a diluted ammonia to clean with. The easiest way for you to replicate this at home is by using Windex and mix it with hot water. The heat in the water will loosen up any oils on the stone.
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    Soak it for a few minutes and then scrub with a brush. An old toothbrush works best. Make sure to get under the stone as this is where the dirt and oils will gather.
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    Rinse. To rinse the diamond jewelry you can use a strainer.
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    After the cleaning use a clean cloth to dry the jewelry.

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